Missing, but still in Action
Well friends, its been awhile! I can assure my lack of presence on the blog does not mean I haven't been working! I put in two more days...
When car commercials ask good questions
Day Eight: Believe it or not (but you probably will) painting can be uneventful, such as day eight. I showed up, I painted, it rained, I...
Confessions of a shy person...
Day Seven: Day Seven came after a frustratingly long break due to a very fickle and irritating matter: Indiana's weather. It snowed, it...
What can I help you find, Miss?
Day Six: After a few days coming up a little short on the productive scale, the universe was set on keeping my pace slow. And so came the...
I'm not in highschool, I'm 24.
Day Five: I was ready and excited for day five of painting. Due to day four's freezing weather, I chose not to accept the 65 degrees my...
I hate green.
Day Four: What a day. I woke up eager to get painting after a short rest to care for my sore body, checked the weather as I obsessively...