Missing, but still in Action
Well friends, its been awhile! I can assure my lack of presence on the blog does not mean I haven't been working! I put in two more days...
When car commercials ask good questions
Day Eight: Believe it or not (but you probably will) painting can be uneventful, such as day eight. I showed up, I painted, it rained, I...
Confessions of a shy person...
Day Seven: Day Seven came after a frustratingly long break due to a very fickle and irritating matter: Indiana's weather. It snowed, it...
What can I help you find, Miss?
Day Six: After a few days coming up a little short on the productive scale, the universe was set on keeping my pace slow. And so came the...
I'm not in highschool, I'm 24.
Day Five: I was ready and excited for day five of painting. Due to day four's freezing weather, I chose not to accept the 65 degrees my...
I hate green.
Day Four: What a day. I woke up eager to get painting after a short rest to care for my sore body, checked the weather as I obsessively...
20 minutes every 2-3 hours
Day 1,2,3 aftermath: Being an artist is a soul fulfilling job. I wake up excited to create (most days), I work hard and feel the greatest...
Yes, I know I have paint on myself.
Day Three: Today when I woke up I realized how excited I am to get dressed and go to work. I realized how easy it was too. My fiance can...
There are so many colors in the rainbow
Day Two: Today started out on a fun note when I saw my horoscope (I always read them in the newspaper!) began with "You're an artist."...
You won't get all that old paint off...
What they don't teach you in art school is how to network while being a common introverted creative type. Through my dislike of...